Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Who Says Good Girls Don'T Rock The Boat?

Minerva, the Goddess of wisdom. She was the originator of music, creativeness and business. Diana, the Moon Goddess. She was the Mother of all the animals in the wild and all the forests. She was acknowledged for her strength, her hunting prowess and her athleticism. Ceres, the Goddess of Grain. She personalized agriculture and the planting of seeds. Tara, the Goddess of knoweldge. She symbolized independence and compassion. Radha, the Riches Goddess. She spoke to success. All of these Goddesses portrayed a devout resepct for the earth, the undulterated world and all of the cycles of life. The Goddess is known to be the soul of all of life. These are just a few great Goddesses who have represented the feminine aspects of all divinity and humankind.

Women today are still seen as sustainers and life-givers. Women have depicted a living that has inspired all of humanity to a spiritual path of balance and peace.

The Divine Mother does not discriminate or love only those in the human race that pay hommage to her. In fact, the Divine Mother embodies love without condition. The Divine Mother does not hold dominion over life, the divine Mother embraces life.

Ladies, what has happened then? You should all be commended for forging a new way of living, setting nontraditional roles, challenging stereotypes and restraints and declared prejudice that kept you invisible and minimized. You have all broken new ground. You have chisled and pioneered new ways of thinking. Yes, you are the Divine Mother. Many of you Ladies have worked yourself to exhaustion, paying an incredibly high price for success in paid employment while tending to your families and to your home in the evening. You barely have blessed time for yourselves and your own interests. You have become independent and strong and committed to who you are and what you want. Yet, you allow yourself to be exploited when it comes to that thing called Love.

Ladies, that is not reverence. That is letting go of your power, your self-respect, your femininity, you. Why is it ladies that you are still desecrated when you should be praised? Why is it Ladies when there is opportunity for relationship, you struggle to receive what you so rightly deserve? Why is it Ladies that you allow yourself to fall prey to men who simply are not worthy of you? You do it because "Good Girls" don't rock the boat.

Come on Ladies. Good Girls come in all sizes and shapes, good girls come from all creeds and races, good girls stand tall and are equally as empowered. It is 110% okay to ask for a need to be met. It is 110% okay to seek explanation for an ill behavior. It is 110% okay not to deny yourself what you rightly know to be an honest, compassionate, integrity-filled relationship. Over and beyond anything else else, it is absolutely 110% okay to acknowledge that you are committed to who you are and what you want.

Choose your battles wisely and with genuine intent. You cannot seek answers from someone who consistently ignores your request. That is answer enough. You are not important to him. You cannot keep questioning what went wrong. He will not be able to commit to an understanding. He will provoke your defenses because that is how he chooses to battle. He is wounded. You are not.

Your wounds will only come from the notion that there is still hope. You see his potential. Ladies, that is a false premise for staying in a relationship. It is probably all you have left, that glimmer of hope. That hope is not a sanctified love. It is about the potential of what he could become. You are now falling in love with what could be. You cannot and I repeat, you cannot sustain a relationship with a partner who only has potential.

Rock the boat Ladies. Paddle upstream, no matter how disappointing. Never look back. As you continue to face forward, that wonderful Man will appear. You will emerge wiser, even more loving and that Goddess in you will flourish and be revered.